Conduct Guildlines & Policies

Listed below are guidelines and policies that we at the PRRC feel that we and all our affiliates, members, individual guests, guest groups and organizations must abide by if they wish to associate with or participate at our Center.

Conduct Guideline’s Disclaimers!

Please be aware that these guidelines were inspired by the opinions, actions, behaviors and intentions of many people, groups and organizations throughout the world and human history.

Please understand that stating these guidelines is not meant as a form of attack against various people, groups or organizations. 

In truth our experiences with them have inspired us to reach beyond our histories to a place of higher learning to create these guidelines to protect our members rights.

If you find yourself in complete disagreement with our Conduct Guidelines feel free to find another group or organization to associate with. Thank you.

Membership and Attendance Restrictions

These apply to our – Center, Affiliates, Healing Activities, Learning Activities, Social Activities, Festivals and Celebrations, Field Trips, Message Boards, and Chat Rooms

We at the PRRC reserve the right to prohibit membership and activity attendance of people, groups or organizations that –

1. Have a criminal record for violent crimes or a history of verbal, mental or physical abuse.

2. Have a criminal record for sexual assaults or a history of sexual harassment or coercion.

3. Have a criminal record or a history of illegal drug use or trafficking.

4. Have a history of bigotry, prejudice or hate crimes against people based on ethnicity, disability, religion/spirituality, sexuality, age, income and gender.

5. Have a history of “cult like behavior” that begins with the idea of “my religion or spiritual practice is the only true one”.

6. Have a history of “social or public aggression” against various people, groups or organizations in the forms of gossip, liable and/or slander.

7. Have a criminal record or a history of cruelty to animals. Such as using animal parts in their religious/spiritual practice that required the life of the animal or that involved a live animal that was caused a great distress.

8. Have a history of violating the privacy of a person’s or group’s energetic sphere (such as their aura, energy shields, Akashic records or energetic connections) by means of scanning, casting, by being energetic parasites or by performing any type of energetic work without the full and complete permission of ALL the parties involved. Except in the case of positive and impartial healing that prevents them from harming themselves and others.

Adults Only Policy

Some activities may be listed for “adults only” meaning a person over the age of 18, so please leave all children at home. We are not saying that we do not like children, but some activities may have a serious adult nature, and it is our wish that these “adult only” activities enable adults to have time to talk without distraction.

Contact and Communication

Behavior guidelines when having contact or communicating with a person that is –

A Center Manager/Moderator

An Affiliate

A Center Member

A Center Guest

These contact and communication forms include but are not restricted to verbal, written, body language, physical and energetic forms.

We at the PRRC reserve the right to prohibit any person, groups and organizations from contact or communications with the above mentioned people when they do not adhere to our contact and communications guidelines.

These guidelines need to be followed while communicating or having contact with the above mentioned people by phone, mail, email, verbally or by any other form of communication.

All forms of contact and communication must be respectful to all parties. Being respectful DOES NOT include the following and the following WILL NOT be tolerated –

1. Lecturing – This is also known as the “I know it ALL” complex.

This is done usually when a person or group of people refuse to acknowledge that humans are always learning, changing and growing through out our entire lives and that no person is capable of knowing all there is to know.

2. Accusations – This is also known as the “Blame Game”.

This is when a person or group of people chronically choose to blame a person, group, organization or spiritual beings for their problems.

This behavior is done by a person or group of people so they can avoid looking at their issues and deciding if their problems were caused by an illnesses in their mental, physical, emotional or spiritual bodies.

3. Belittling –

This can occur when a person believes “I have more experience and ability than you. So what could you know that I do not”.

When a person or group of people chooses to behave in this way it is because deep down inside they feel insecure about themselves, their life and their abilities.

4. Talking Down –

This occurs when a person takes on a negative parental tone and chooses to speak to another as if they were their child.

The person or group of people that take on this tone with others often does this because of their need to gain power and control over others by  forcing those around them to be weaker.

5. Talking Above –

When a person chooses to communicate using words or a manor of speaking that is not commonly used by people.

This is done to make those they communicate with feel small, stupid and weak.

The person or people who choose to communicate like this have a tendency to be easily intimidated by other people’s thoughts, words, gifts, dreams, levels of productivity and goals.

6. Talking Over – This behavior is also known as the “Steam Roller” tactic.

This behavior occurs when a person or group of people choose to interrupt the communication of another person’s thoughts and opinions without permission by speaking while they are still talking.

This is often done by people who wish to make them selves and their opinion seem more important to a person or group.

A person may interject comments, ideas and questions if they asked the person or people talking for permission first.

7. Vulgar Language –

These are words that are consider by most people to be profane due to the fact that these words have a tendency to refer to a person in a derogatory way.

During moments of anger and stress these types of words slip out and even though the person you are talking to or about at the time seems to deserve to be called a name it is best to try to avoid this habit.

To avoid this habit is not just about respecting others but about respecting the sacredness of ones words and self.

8. Gossip –

This is when a person chooses to tell another person about something they heard another person say either 1st or 2nd hand or more.

The person who has a tendency to spread gossip is usually the type of person who feels insecure about their importance to others and wishes to make themselves appear more important to their peers.

But when a person chooses to spread information by this method the only person they are painting a bad picture of is themselves.

9. Slander or Liable –

These behaviors are similar to gossip but have a tendency to be far more damaging to all the parties involved.

To slander or liable a person, group or organization is a conscious, direct and usually planned assault on a parties character and honor.

This is usually done by a person or group of people that feel threatened by another person, group or organizations presence.

When this happens the attacking person or group of people try to force the other person or group of people to leave the area by using intimidation tactics so they can dominate the direction of the communities energetic growth.

10. Covert Intentions –

This is when a person, group or organization initiates contact with the intention to covertly infiltrate a group or organization to gain information that they can use to create gossip, slander or liable to attack a group’s or organization’s honor and character.

The type of person or group of people that initiate this type of behavior are often the type to be extremely paranoid to a clinical degree.

Their paranoia is often times fueled by a persecution complex or a need to sabotage any other party that is more successful than them.

11. Negative Energy Throwing – This is also referred to as “Mud Slinging”.

This is when a person or group of people choose to express their opinions in a public forum so they can criticize the policies, actions or opinions of another.

They often do this without communicating with the party first to clear up any misunderstandings or confusion.

The type of person or group of people that have a tendency to “mud sling” are more interested in preaching their ego-laden and self righteous opinions rather than trying to logically comprehend the thoughts, opinions and actions of others.

This is often due to a massive insecurity complex that blocks their ability to investigate the reasoning behind the ideas and actions of others.

It is these insecurities that may make them afraid of being influenced by others toward a healing and positive change within themselves.

12. Bragging – This is referred to as the “Big Cheese” complex.

This is when a person or group of people publicly declare that they are capable of or responsible for certain actions, tasks or gifts.

If these statements are not made from a purely educational stand point as an example to a close friend, class, student or potential client then they are often examples of bragging.

When a person or group of people choose to brag it because they wish to intimidate others so they can try to assert their power over them.

The person who needs to brag is usually a person who feels small and wish to portray themselves as big in order to gain the respect and power they think they disserve.

13. Discrimination –

Any form of expression that discriminates against a person’s ethnicity, disability, age, sexuality, social position, economic status, religion or spiritual beliefs is not allowed!

Any person who believes in or belongs to any group who believes in any act of discrimination or segregation of any kind is not welcome.

14. Sexual Misconduct –

Any type of sexual abuse, harassment or coercion will not be tolerated!

We do not support, condone or will not be involved with any person, group or organization that has a history of allowing this type of behavior from its guests, members, leaders or affiliates.

15. Energetic Violations –

Any type of energetic intrusion such as scanning, casting, being an energy parasite or any action that forces your will and energies into another person or groups sphere to affect the health of their mind, emotions, body, spirit or energetic connections is not tolerated.

Except with their permission or in the case of a positive and impartial healing that prevents a person or group from harming themselves and others.

16. Idea Stealing –

Any form of idea stealing or copyright infringement is strictly prohibited.

No visitor, guest, member, moderator or manager is allowed to copy or reproduce any text, images or designs without permission.

All written and creative submissions to our website must obtain permission by the author or creator and must give credit to that author or creator.

17. Stalking –  

Any form of stalking that is an invasion of a person’s or group’s privacy WILL NOT be tolerated.

These invasion behaviors include but are not restricted to –

Covert and obsessive searches for personal information with agendas that may include a person’s full name, address, names of current friends, names of past associations, names of relatives or the locations of these people and their private information.

Communication with a person’s current friends, past associations and relatives without the person’s knowledge or consent with the goal to gain private information.

Pushing for contact either in person or on online after they have been told by the party that they did not want them to contact them ever again.

Driving past, walking in front of or sitting outside of a person’s or group’s location to observe them.

Showing up at the center’s, affiliate’s or member’s activities after their access has been prohibited.

Appearing before a person in an energetic way on the astral plane after they have been told to stay away from them on the physical plane. 

Once a contact restriction has been applied it covers both the physical and non-physical planes of existence. If a person does not respect this then they are as we have defined it “stalking” a person or group.

18. Envy or Jealousy – This is referred to as having the “Green Eyed Monster” complex.

Actions that express envy or jealously towards the above mentioned people will not be tolerated.

Many of the afore mention actions can lead to or express a state of what we may define as jealous or envious behaviors. People or groups may do this because they wish to be as gifted as the person or group that they aim their jealousy or envy at.

When these types of people or groups feel they are not as gifted they have a tendency to try to crush other people or groups to gain a sense of power. These people or groups will try to use this stolen sense of power to make themselves seem more gifted to themselves and others.

These patterns of thoughts and behaviors on their part stem from a “god or goddess complex delusion” and will only destroy any current or future happiness in their lives.

Repercussions for Not Adhering to Guidelines

These actions may be taken in or out of order depending on the severity of the situation. If there are any questions about these action please feel free to contact us.

Action #1 – Record the Incident – During this action we will create and keep a complete and detailed record of all communications between parties. The record will include but are not restricted to dates, times and verbal content.

Action #2 – Clear Communication – During this action we will attempt to communicate with the party to clear up any confusions or misunderstandings.

Action #3 – Verbal or Written Warnings – During this action the party will be given a written warning that informs them that their current behavior or attitude goes against our “Conduct Guidelines” and we will request that they stop these actions immediately.

Action #4 – Contact Probation – During this action if the party has not stopped their negative actions within the requested time frame then their ability to have contact with us or our affiliates will be halted for a determined period of time, which could be defined as weeks, months, years and permanent restriction.

Action #5 – Prohibit Membership – During this action if a party does not abide by all of our “Conduct Guidelines” then we reserve the right to refuse membership and access to our center and its activities and our affiliates centers and their activities.

Action #6 – Membership Probation – During this action if a member has not stopped their negative actions within the requested time frame then their ability to have contact with us or our affiliates will be halted for a determined period of time, which could be defined as weeks, months, years and permanent restriction.

Action #7 – Membership Cancellation – During this action we reserve the right to cancel any member’s membership if we discover that they have not been abiding by our “Conduct Guidelines” and that they refuse to in the future.

Action #8 – Ban and Block Access – During this action if a party or member does not follow our “Conduct Guidelines” then we reserve the right to ban or block their IP Address, which will deny them the ability to view or access our websites or our affiliate’s websites.

Action #9 – Create Public Record – During this action a record will be created for the public so they may view all of the information we have recorded, which will help keep them abreast of the situation.

Action #10 – Take Legal Actions – During this action we reserve the right to seek legal advice and representation to protect ourselves and our affiliates from stalking, slander, liable or any other illegal behaviors or actions from various parties.